Late Nights with Art and Literature

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  • Little Noise
    At my computer, I face the wall with my back to the door. My focus is entirely on my next project so the world around me seems to go silent except for this tiny little noise. It’s quick and sharp, like a pen dropping during the… Continue reading Little Noise


  • Since Nobody Will See This
    Since nobody will see this, I want to say Tv nowadays is terrible. Music is meh. Social media is rotting our brains. There is more to say, but even I am affected…if that’s the right word. It’s crazy how I could just look it up when I am at the age where I should already… Continue reading Since Nobody Will See This
  • Little Noise
    At my computer, I face the wall with my back to the door. My focus is entirely on my next project so the world around me seems to go silent except for this tiny little noise. It’s quick and sharp, like a pen dropping during the middle of a test. I turn my head slightly… Continue reading Little Noise
  • Flashing Lights
    At a quarter to midnight, Daisy knocked on her brother’s door and waited with her ear against the wood for a response. It’s been a week since she last seen him step out of his room and the only time she did was his shadow as he rushed to the bathroom to remove days of… Continue reading Flashing Lights


  • Diary #1
    There’s a thought in my brain. I know that it’s there. On occasions, it comes front and center. Through the chaos of my daily activities, during moments where I simply stop moving, the thought comes. At the tip of my brain, it’s not words. It’s an action followed by realizations. Nothing matters, but then it… Continue reading Diary #1
  • I dream of
    I dream of golden cities Where my house is The largest tower above glistening Swimming pools and recently Watered tomatoes, watermelon And kale. Dark rooms with single windows Pale white creatures beckoning me To come outside with my newly Plucked fruit. Bridges that are built high Connecting one foggy city, Chicago, to New York. The… Continue reading I dream of
  • By My Side
    One day at a time You’re by my side In silence surrounded by so much noise on the outside From sunup to sundown I’ve gotten use to your presence. There’s no need for constant touches, but intimacy is what I crave. By my side, I rest under your light breathing. By my side, I ponder… Continue reading By My Side