A Dollar for Every Like

Fuck your likes and break your own hearts!

Sorry for the rant, but if I had a dollar for every like on Facebook; every heart on Instagram and Twitter, I’d be one rich ass writer.

I’m a self-publisher.

I spend long nights, sleep deprived, hunched over my computer while puffing on cigarette #6.

When my shitty first draft of a manuscript is done, I hold it up in the air and this wave of attainment that is bigger than my own birth washes over me.

Did you find any errors in that last sentence or did you even read it? Or are you just liking this post becasue it’s another hashtag you can relate to?

This writing business is not easy, you know. And with self-publishing, the long distance run has turned into a rat race filled with books containing whacked grammar according to the writers standards. Sentence structures on the road to collision. Plots filled with axle damaging holes. Absent minded, characters flatter than a six-year-old tire.

I said it once. I’ll say it again.

We don’t want your fucking likes! Your thumbs up and bright red hearts. No! We want your fucking eyes, your mind where your attention lies.

We want you to read our books. Hell, there’s a feature on Amazon. At least read the first three papers for free.

We are writers! The makers of your entertainment. You think Hollywood farts out the dialogue that is gasped by actors? No, it’s the writers chained to their desk for long hours, debating which worn out pun is more funny or how serious the scene is for a certain choice of words.

Read our works and tell us if it sucks! Don’t have us walking around big headed becasue we reached two hundred likes and fifty “congrats”. The same “congrats” you give someone you secretly despise on your Facebook or Instagram timeline.

We want your negative comments just as much as we want your praise becasue anything wrong with our books and be easily changed.

Harsh criticism is good for the mind. We need to develop our skills even if it takes years worth of time. We will be hurt, but good writers suck it up, use it, and push out something better. We just want you to read our work. You don’t even have to pay the two to five bucks. Hit us up and we will let you read for free. Anything is better than publishing it on Amazon so fucked up; making us look like illiterate leaches of quick fame and “Author” next to our names.


BTW: if there’s any errors in this post comment below.

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