Category: Poetry

Writing Faulty Love

February 2, 2019

Sorry. This is my first time writing about love. They say practice makes perfect, but I had my heart broken so many times It’s becoming quite annoying. So how can I craft love to perfection or is it even perfect to begin with? Do you really know that spouse you been with for long? Are…

Let’s not Argue Tonight

January 19, 2019

This poem came to me while I was looking at my love. I was just staring at him, thinking of the day when we will have a nasty argument. I hope there will be some force within the universe like a marriage that would make me think why I fell in love with him the first place.

Summer in Chicago, Winter in Florida

January 5, 2019

I lived in both of these locations so this poem comes from the heart. I hope you enjoy and feel free to comment. I enjoy reading feedback.