Let’s not Argue Tonight

Let’s not argue tonight

I’m too exhausted from the last battle.

Let’s enjoy the evening ahead in which we were invited to witness the union of love

Between close companions, our friends.

Let’s watch as they stand before God,

the same God we recited our sacred vows to, biding us

them together forever.

At the end of those penetrating words, when my hand is holding

yours, they kiss as a tear travels down my cheek.

Let’s watch from a distance in a separate corner of the room

as they converse with other guest while we reminisce of our

new love bliss.

We take swift glances at each other, cuddle within ourselves, and

giggle at the one time we felt embarrassed for our true accepting actions.

Those were the days when our love was fresh like a budding rose

I wish to freeze. The sight, scent, of feeling of it brings my soul ease.

At the end of the night when we are full of wine and high on merry

Let’s dance until that spark returns like a swift shock from a fault

outlet. Your warm body close to mine.

Let’s not argue tonight because there is so much to lose between

Me and you.

Let’s kiss and make up on the ride home. Let’s hold hands on the silent ride

mentally communicating with each other simply through touch. For a moment

we both take a deep sigh, realize everything between us will be all right

and when we open our eyes, it will be ok seeing a bright light coming

directly into our line of sight.

Let’s not argue tonight. I’m glad we refused to fight. At least we know

we had each other in happiness as we are taken out of the night.

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