My day starts off sometimes in the morning or in the dead of night. Either way, I begin by sitting on my phone for an hour scanning through all social media apps. Once I exhaust my searches and reads of internet news, drama, and excitement for future game releases, I get up and make myself a cup of coffee.
Never wake up and immediatly start using your phone!!
As the morning/night progresses, I blankly stare out into space and begin organizing my thoughts starting with the ones that I can easily solve to those that cause me the most anxiety.
What do I paint? What will I draw. How are the people I love doing? Are they safe? Are they happy? How can I connect with others? Did my husband feed the cats? What do I cook that will be healthy for the both of us while having leftovers for him and enough for me to take to work? Do I continue this novel or scrap it and start a new one?
My pondering over life usually ends once my coffee is finished and returns randomly throughout the day.
Next, I head off to work. I like pretending I’m an NPC going along with the motions of someone with MCS until my 8 hours are up.
Back at home, I do everything else before I start writing. I relax, watch TV, scan social media again, play games, and cook. This is pretty much everyday for me. This day in particular, I went to bed. But at least three times a week, I force myself to sit at my desk, turn on the ambiance and drift off into an entirely different life I created in my head.