Tag: writer

Little Noise

October 23, 2023

At my computer, I face the wall with my back to the door. My focus is entirely on my next project so the world around me seems to go silent except for this tiny little noise. It’s quick and sharp, like a pen dropping during the middle of a test. I turn my head slightly…

Morning Night Routine

April 5, 2023

What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like? Sometimes I wake up in the morning, but I prefer the night. It’s when all the strange things happen. I start by letting my cats outside to hunt for breakfast. I throw whatever they bring me on the skillet with…

A Day in the Life of a Writer

March 6, 2023

My day starts off sometimes in the morning or in the dead of night. Either way, I begin by sitting on my phone for an hour scanning through all social media apps. Once I exhaust my searches and reads of internet news, drama, and excitement for future game releases, I get up and make myself…

The Heart Broken Woman

March 8, 2019

Lately I have been going outside to do some writing and I witness a horrible moment. A woman found out her spouse was with another woman. The pain of being heartbroken is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, but it’s not a pain. A pain is a sense that comes and goes within seconds, but an ache last for hours, days, years, maybe even eternity. I hope the woman feels better and doesn’t allow the scars to draw her heart from her sleeve.

Based on Intuition

January 11, 2019

I’m sitting on a bench in the park. To my far right there’s three people. Two men and a woman. The men are talking to each other, flames of furry in both sets of eyes while the woman looks down at her feet. I understand she is a lover to one of them. To my…

3 Simple Words

January 4, 2019

many relationships fail becasue one of the spouses fails to say three simple words to their love. A complement is important to let your love know you admire them.