I know this idea might sound crazy, but I believe machines will rise up against humans except for the innocent.
Tag: angelic simone
Late Twenties
Spewing Tar
Short Story I take a deep breath and say my truth. The chest of my parents, Bernadette and Matthew raise as their eyes grow wide. This is me and they’re are not too happy at my always-been, but new to them identity. I can’t believe they never suspected their daughter to be a lesbian. Sometimes… Continue reading Spewing Tar
Short Story Speak to me in my love language and nothing else. Denver woke up to the warm glow of the sun peering through silk curtains and a bouquet of roses on her nightstand. Right away her eyebrows furrowed, but that expression diminished when her mouth watered at the savory smell of bacon. He's up… Continue reading LOVE LANGUAGE
The Secret Mind of Basil
Short Story Somewhere in the future, the time is midnight where the natural glow from the sky has been replaced by dozens of man-made luminescence. With her hands shoved into the pockets of her coat, Basil keeps a steady pace down the near empty city walk until she steps on a sheet of paper.… Continue reading The Secret Mind of Basil