Little Noise

At my computer, I face the wall with my back to the door. My focus is entirely on my next project so the world around me seems to go silent except for this tiny little noise. It’s quick and sharp, like a pen dropping during the middle of a test. I turn my head slightly and look through my peripheral vision. Maybe my husband is trying to creep up and frighten me. There’s always a snap in ones joints when they try to be sneaky. Or it’s one of the cats. I hear the little noise again, turn all the way around in my chair and stare at the door for a long minute. If it is my spouse, I’d see his shadow through the space between the door and the frame. But nothing is there.

When alone, I feel a presence and sometimes see it move swiftly around the corner or from room to room. I maybe going crazy. I’m not to aware of my family mental health history. So, I like to believe there’s a spirit watching me and can only hope it’s friendly.

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