I dream of golden cities Where my house is The largest tower above glistening Swimming pools and recently Watered tomatoes, watermelon And kale. Dark rooms with single windows Pale white creatures beckoning me To come outside with my newly Plucked fruit. Bridges that are built high Connecting one foggy city, Chicago, to New York. The… Continue reading I dream of
Tag: writing
Writing Faulty Love
Sorry. This is my first time writing about love. They say practice makes perfect, but I had my heart broken so many times It’s becoming quite annoying. So how can I craft love to perfection or is it even perfect to begin with? Do you really know that spouse you been with for long? Are… Continue reading Writing Faulty Love
Writing on Stress
Can you write while feeling anxious? Sometimes I can, but it takes a lot of work. A couple of years ago, I moved to Florida. This was an extremely stressful time because it involved me leaving my daughter in Chicago with her father. I couldn’t eat, sleep, or get out of the house because… Continue reading Writing on Stress