Art Woes

I’m not happy with this painting. The anatomy is off and so is the coloring and lighting. I HATE IT! But I also love it. I have complicated feelings with all of my creations. It’s something that stems from my childhood and if I could live as my younger self again or at least speak to the little girl, I’d tell her to keep painting.

I made a post earlier about bad art days and while they do suck I still hold onto the understanding that there will be a whole lot more bad art days before there are good days. It’s like mineing rocks. Sometimes you get stones and sometimes you get prismic shards or idirum ores (play Stardew Valley, it’s a great game). It’s better than getting nothing.

I must admit, while I do hate this painting for this fundamental flaws, I love it for the attempt. For months I’ve been staring at this large blank canvas wondering what to paint. And to be honest, I was afraid failure. Then on a rainy day and an altered mindset, I started painting. The worst that was going to happen is I messed up and repaint over the canvas to begin something new.

For this panting I used the artograph projector and my standard paint set without pre-mixing my colors. A goal of mine in this journey is to understand color theory and mixing for the day I take my art supplies outside.

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