Bad Art Day #1

Today was a bad art day.


Acrylic on multisurface

Welcome. If you’re new here, you’ve stumbled upon my art journey and today was a bad art day. I dont know if it was a combination of stress, anxiety, mixed with a hint of feeling rushed. But, the two pieces I created look pretty bad from my perspective. Yes. I am going to be my own worst critic. I’m not sure what the hell I’m doing wrong here though.

I started this journey sometime around March of my birthday 2021. I declared that I would get back into what I loved as a child and make several pieces of art that would bring me fame and fortune. I can do without the fame. But, like many artist, I would love to be able to support my journey with cash made from completed works. This goal to make “good art” seems far out of reach.

Oil on multisurface paper.

This is irritating, yet I dont want to give up so soon. I want to do this. Teaching myself how to paint and draw is healing to my soul. It’s another way for me to express myself. Plus, I spent a lot of money on supplies. I’d be a fool to stop.

A question I need to start asking myself is what type of art do I want to make that I would view everyday with adornment. I do like to look at occult art and esoteric art.

I grew up around spiritual people, in and out of several churches. I’ve seen some grow into a beautiful fellowships while others crumble leaving members like helpless sheep thrown out to the wolves. I would love to translate those memories and feelings not only into fiction, but art as well.

I also need to set a goal rather than jumping from medium to medium. Ill continue to do a sketch a day, but focus on oil, particularly on my brush strokes for now.

Thanks for stopping bye!!!

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