5 Ways to make your Home a Haven + More

You’re home is your safe haven and since I’m home majority of my time, I have some tips on how to make your space comfy.

  • 1. Get two fake plants and one real house plant
  • 2. Invest in a gaming system with online access
  • 3. Get a good set of loungewear. ie: jogging pants, shirts, cozy socks, sweater.
  • 4. Have a creative box/space. i.e colored pencils, coloring book, artist pencils.
  • 5. Reading material. (Get back into reading)!
My houseplants

Introversion in 2023

I still an introvert. Yes, I am making it part of my identity and you should to if you identify as one. Makes life easier when you know what drains your energy, how to recharge, and ways you can communicate with others because introversion is not being anti social. We just like being indoors. But, I must say, I have to start going outside more often.

I’m taking my art journey seriously this year and although there’s a lot of references on the internet, I want to be able to sketch landscapes and people based off what I see with my own eyes. Plus, I want to be able to draw really fast. I’m going on three years into my studies and it’s challenging. I see some growth, but with the books that I have and the many videos that I watched, I should be a bit further in my progress.

Short Story

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